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Getting started


If you are a developer or a computer engineer and would like to integrate Bouygues Telecom Entreprises APIs into your application or information system, we would like to welcome you. This page will guide you, step by step, through the process of making your first call to one of our APIs and offering your users an enhanced service.


Accessing API Developer Portal authentication

  • If you already have login details for the Bouygues Telecom Enterprise Customer Area with the “API Developer Portal” role, use them to log in to our API Developer Portal.
  • If not, ask your administrator to give you the necessary role or to create an account for you in the Customer Area with the necessary role.

Registering your application

  • Once you have logged in to the API Developer Portal, register your application in the dedicated section stating: the name of your application, your public key (JWKS) and the APIs you want to register for.

Application registration details

Applications should be registered in the APPS section of the DEV PORTAL (accessible after logging in). From this screen you can:

  • Create a new APPLICATION to use our APIs
  • View an existing registration
  • Edit an existing registration

When registering an application, you will be asked for the following information:

  • The name of your APPLICATION
  • A description of this APPLICATION
  • A public key (see the AUTHORISATION section for more details)
  • The selection of APIs that you want to make available to this APPLICATION